Reports until 07:56, Monday 21 September 2015
peter.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:56, Monday 21 September 2015 (21728)
Laser Output Power Trend
Looking at the past 12 months of laser output power trend data (see image PastYear.png).  During first long stretch
between 10-21-2014 and 5-10-2015, of 202 days, the output power decay is approximately 10 mW/day. Going by a crude
fit by eye.  The second stretch which coincides with when the diode current was last increased, the output power
decay is approximately 20 mW/day.

Also attached are trends from the past 120 days.  The image Fit120.png shows the regression fit to the data as
given by Grace.  The fitted decay rates are ~15 mW /day and ~20 mW/day.  So for the ~90 days of the observing
we might lose ~1.8 W from the laser.  Which would bring the power into the IMC accordingly.

At some point we need to ask ourselves at which point do we increase the diode current to up the laser power
to preserve the status quo?  Alternatively is a ~1.8 W power loss by the end of the run, enough to worry about?
Images attached to this report