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Reports until 15:35, Friday 18 September 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Friday 18 September 2015 - last comment - 09:28, Monday 21 September 2015(21661)
OMC length dither

Daniel, Evan

We looked at the DARM spectrum in the vicinity of the OMC dither line (at 4100 Hz) and its second harmonic (at 8200 Hz) using the OMC DCPD IOP channels.

The spectrum around the line itself appears to be bilinear, perhaps as one would expect (if the OMC is exactly on resonance, there should be no first-order modulation of the transmitted power). The second harmonic of the line is quite clean, with no obvious upconversion. Is this what we should expect?

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 09:28, Monday 21 September 2015 (21736)

That's what you expect (when OMC transmission is quadratic to the length).

Power propto L^2 = (L0+dL+dither)^2 = L0^2 + 2L0(dL+dither) + dL^2+ 2dL*dither + dither^2

where L0 and dL are the DC- and AC-ish component of the OMC length and dither is the dither.

dL*dither^2 will only appear in L^3 response, and (dL*dither)^2 in L^4.

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