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Reports until 21:13, Sunday 20 September 2015
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:13, Sunday 20 September 2015 - last comment - 11:16, Monday 21 September 2015(21723)
Problem with the network switch connecting LDAS to GC in the DCS room in the onsite warehouse

There is a problem with the network switch connecting LDAS to GC in the DCS room in the onsite warehouse.

This means the cluster head nodes, ldas-grid, ldas-pcdev1, detchar, and the nds2 server at LHO are unreachable.

This may be why the summary pages are not updating.

However the computers are up and jobs are running.

I've been to the site, talked with the operator, then walked from the control to the warehouse to check on the network switch. It appears to be dead. (See my email below.)

Also, ldas-pcdev2 and the web server (located in a different room) are up and reachable and can see the data for the summary pages. I've contacted Duncan Macleod to see if there is away to get the summary pages to update again, using the working connections.

We may not be able to replace the broken switch until tomorrow.

Note that this does not affect the flow of data to LDAS at LHO or CIT.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [DASWG] Re: Problem with the head nodes at LHO
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 20:39:06 -0700
From: Gregory Mendell <gmendell@ligo-wa.caltech.edu>
To: daswg@ligo.org
CC: LDAS_ADMIN_ALL <ldas_admin_all@ligo.caltech.edu>,  "detchar@ligo.org" <detchar@ligo.org>

On 9/20/15 7:16 PM, Gregory Mendell wrote:
> The problem appears to be that nds, ldas-grid, and ldas-pcdev1 are
> unreachable from outside the internal ldas network.
> These computers are up and jobs are running.
> I will be checking on the GC switch in the ldas room at LHO once I get
> out to the site (in about 30 minutes).

The switch has no link lights on any of its copper or fiber connections
and no indication it is getting power.

Power cycling and pushing reset button several time did not work.

Moving power cord to another circuit did not work. (Other switches and
computers are all up and showing lights on the same circuits, so it was
unlikely this would have worked anyways.)

I'm in touch with Dan Moraru. If we don't have a spare we'll have to
replace the broken switch tomorrow.


Comments related to this report
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - 11:16, Monday 21 September 2015 (21742)

This problem was fixed by Dan Moraru this morning, thanks to a loner switch from Ryan Blair.

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