Reports until 14:29, Monday 21 September 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:29, Monday 21 September 2015 (21745)
PRMI guardian states added to DRMI guardian

Travis pointed out another problem that comes up when we use the DRMI guardian to lock PRMI, and instead of writting more conditionals into the tDRMI states I decided to make some PRMI states to automate this.  

To do this I split the LOCK_DRMI state into two, the first part called LOCK_DRMI 1F is the main of the old LOCK_DRMI_1F state, which clears any history left over from a failed DRMI lock and sets everythign up to acquire.  Then there is a state DRMI_LOCK_WAIT in which the gaurdian just waits for DRMI to acquire, and then it moves through the rest of the graph with no change.  

The two new states are PRMI_LOCK_WAIT, which is the same as DRMI except that it turns off the input, output and offset on the SRCL filter.  OFFLOAD PRMI engages the offlaoding to the top stage of PRM.  If SRM is realigned, it wil wait 20 seconds, turn on SRCL feedback, and return DRMI_LOCK_WAIT.

This is not intended to be a normal part of acquisition, it is just meant to make the normal procedure for locking PRMI when the DRMI alignment is bad a little easier.  

To use it: 

1) You can either misalign SRM using the SUS_SRM guardian, or use a new state in ALIGN_IFO called SET_SUS_FOR_PRMI_W_ALS. 

2) Request OFFLOAD_PRMI from the DRMI guardian.

3) Once PRMI locks adjust PRM and BS alignment until you get about 80 counts on POP90 and 50 counts on POP18.  

4)Realign SRM by undoing whatever change you made in step 1.

5) Request DRMI_1F_OFFFLOADED from the ISC_DRMI guardian.