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Reports until 13:30, Tuesday 07 February 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:30, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2175)
Closeout Photos For The BSC8 ISI

Before re-installing the BSC8 Dome, I took lots of photos of the BSC8 ISI.  These photos are from Stage0 up to the top of the Keel--basically anything which could be seen from the upper work area of BSC8 (so no photos of the Optics Table were taken).  Quite a few photos were taken, I tried to take pictures of everything with a flash & without (both have their benefits and issues). 

I archived photos according to ISI "corner" and also made an extra collection for the Keel Masses on top.  Here are the collections in ResourceSpace:

Corner 1

Corner 2

Corner 3

Keel Masses On Top

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