Reports until 17:11, Tuesday 22 September 2015
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:11, Tuesday 22 September 2015 - last comment - 10:06, Wednesday 23 September 2015(21810)
New CAL_INJ_CONTROL medm with updated

Updated CAL_INJ_CONTROL medm. It is organized a bit differently, labels have changes slightly, and even has a new button! Duncan Macleod supplied us with an updated that polls GraceDB for new events (both "E" and "G" types), places the new info in some EPICS records, and then will automatically pause injections for either 3600s or 10800s depending on the event.

The Transient Injection Control now has the ability to zero out the pause inj channel. Why is this necessary? The script running in the background of this screen will automatically PAUSE the injections when a new external event alert is detected. If we are down when we get a GRB alert, the script should still pause the injections. The Operator will then need to enable the injections and zero the pause time.

One other thing for Operators to look out for is if we want the injections to stop for longer than the automatic pause time. If we disable the injections by clicking the "Disable" button, and then a new event comes in, it will automatically switch from Disabled --> Paused (this happened to us a few minutes after we started up the script). I am not 100% positive on this, but it seems that when the pause time is up the injections will continue. If this is so, it's definitely something Operators need to watch for.

We will see how this goes and make changes if necessary.

New screen shot attached.

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Comments related to this report
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - 19:24, Tuesday 22 September 2015 (21823)INJ
There was apparently some confusion about pausing mechanisms; see alog 21822.  If the scheme referred to there is restored, the PAUSE and ENABLE features will be fully under the control of the operators.  Independently, injections will automatically be paused by the action of the GRB alert code setting the CAL-INJ_EXTTRIG_ALERT_TIME channel.  I have emailed Duncan to try to sort this out.
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 10:06, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21842)

Last night there were two GRB alerts that paused the injections, and they DID NOT enable Tinj. The Tinj Control went back to Disabled as we had it set to previously. This is good and works as outlined in the HWInjBookkeeping wiki (Thank you Peter Shawhan!). This was my main worry and seems that has already taken care of. It is a bit misleading when the Tinj control goes from Disabled --> Paused and begins to count up to the "Pause Until" time, but after trending the channels it shows that will not enable the Tinj after the times meet.