Reports until 18:40, Tuesday 22 September 2015
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:40, Tuesday 22 September 2015 - last comment - 19:26, Wednesday 23 September 2015(21818)
request for operators

Durring the maintence window we left the DHARD yaw boost on (21768 and 21708). There was no evidence that it caused any problems, but I was putting excitations onto transmon at the time and there were other maintence activities going on.  We'd like to check that it doesn't impact the glitch rate, so if LLO drops out of lock or if you see an earthquake on the way ( 0.1um/sec or larger predicted by terramon), it would be great if you can turn it on.  You can find it under ASC overview> ASC arm cavities, DHARD YAW FM3 (labled boost). (screenshot) 

It would be good to get more than an hour of data, so if you see that LLO has dropped it would be awesome if you could turn this on util they are back up.  

This is just a temporary request, only for tonight or the next few days.  

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 01:08, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21831)

This is actually FM2.

I was texting with Mike to see if taking H1 out of Observation Mode (when L1 is down) for this test was OK by him, and he concurred.  This work is referenced by Work Permit #5505.  In the work permit, I see a time of 9/21-25 for Period of Activity.  So Operators can allow this activity during this time since Mike has signed off on the work permit.  (perhaps in the future, we can reference the work permit in alog entries so Operators will know this is an acceptable activity.)

I'm not totally sure about when to make the decision to preemptively turn ON this filter if we get a warning of an impending EQ.  It's not totally clear to know which types of EQ will knock us out and which won't.  I guess I can look to see if (1) Terramon gives us a RED warning, and also (2) watch 0.03-0.1um/s seismic signal for an order of magnitude increase.  Perhaps in that case I could then end Observation Mode and turn ON the filter and stay out of Observation Mode until L1 comes back.  (sorry, just trying to come up with a plan of attack in case L1 drops out)

As it stands, L1 has been locked for 10hrs, so we'll keep an eye on them.  I asked William to contact me if they drop out (but I'll also watch the FOM & GWI.stat.

edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - 10:23, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21843)

I believe that by switching this, while in 'Undisturbed', it will show as an SDF diff thereby automatically taking us to 'Commissioning' mode until the diff is accepted, the ODC Intent ready bit is Green(again) and we can once again click the intent bit to 'Undisturbed'. I asked this at the JRPC meeting yesterday.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 19:26, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21874)

Apologies for the wrong FM number, and in the future I'll try to rememver to put the WP number in the alog.   Operators can probably stop toggling this filter for now.  We will put this on the list of minor changes that we will make on maintence day, so that next tuesday it can be added to the guardian and the observe.snap, along with some HSTS bounce and roll notches.