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Reports until 19:06, Tuesday 07 February 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:06, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2182)
ETMy SUS alignment work
After slow progress yesterday, today Travis and I "knocked" it home.  We finished the yaw alignment of the main chain, and then worked on getting the reaction chain to hang with out "leaning" a bump stop into the main.  There is something going on with the bump stops between the chains that we don't fully understand - namely that although we verified that we are using the correct ones on both the PenRe and the ERM, the gap between the ERM-stops-and-the-ETMy and the gap between the PenRe-stops-and-the-PUM are not the same.  As well, there is some differential pitch between the ERM and the PenRe such that the bottom stop of the ERM touched the ETM while the top stop of the PenRe touched the PUM.  This was exacerbated by the fact that the ETM needs to purposefully pitch down by ~600uRad (IFO reasons), and then the ERM needs to follow PLUS account for the wedge on the back of the ETMy.  So the ERM needs more purposeful pitch and it is dragging the PenRe with it.  Confused?  Yeah, exactly.

Nonetheless, we pressed on to correct the reaction chain pitch and yaw such that no stops touched anywhere.  This let us fine tune the main chain pitch, and make another pitch and yaw round on the reaction chain.  Amazingly, we think we ended up within tolerances.  Jason and Doug then brought the Kentek gap apparatus in and measured the gap between the ETMy and the ERM to be ~5.2mm:

Location 1 - 12 o'clock position of mass, 3" down from edge, measured ~5.15mm
Location 2 - 10 o'clock position of mass, 1" from edge, measured ~5.25mm
(Note, the gap widens as you go across the masses because the yaw of the ERM is still a bit out from the ETMy.)

This measurement is a little strange in that when we crudely measure the gap with gauge blocks, we get 5.5-6mm of gap.  We like the reading better however, so on we go.  (How do you measure a ruler??)  While we chew on all this for a bit, we went ahead and put all of the Top OSEMs back on and roughly aligned to 50% OLV.  This is where Garcia picked up in order to take some quick health-TFs.

Jason may post more formal alignment numbers.
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