Reports until 09:26, Wednesday 23 September 2015
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:26, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21834)
OWL Ops Summary

TITLE:  9/23 OWL Shift:  7:00-15:00UTC (00:00-8:00PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE OF H1:  Continues to be locked from yesterday (that's 30+hrs!).

SUPPORT:  None (& not needed)


H1 continues to hum along.  

Toward the end of the shift (starting at 11:00-13:00utc), H1 started to trend down from 77Mpc down to 64Mpc; only thing I could see correlated to this were the 1-30Hz seismic channels.  They actually all peaked around 12:30utc and came down & H1 mirrored this.  I reckon this seismic bump is Hanford traffic, but that would be only a guess, because I don't see a bump like this for my shift yesterday morning during this same lock.

No opportunity to engage Sheila's new DHARD Yaw Boost filter due to double coincidence the entire shift.

There is a Timing error on ETMx which should be cleared, but I held off doing this because I didn't want to bump H1 out of Observation Mode.

Incoming DAY Operator:  Cheryl V.


  • 7:08 GRB
  • 10:19 GRB
  • 12:40:  Pair of ETMy Saturations (but range stayed above 60Mpc)
  • 14:42-14:52 Christina driving elec cart to H2 building to drop off some boxes