Reports until 09:01, Wednesday 23 September 2015
H1 INJ (DetChar, INJ)
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:01, Wednesday 23 September 2015 - last comment - 21:35, Thursday 24 September 2015(21838)
new approved coherent CBC waveform
I've uploaded new and approved coherent waveforms for hardware injection testing. SVN is at revision number 5097.

There is a H1L1 coherent version of the September 21 test injection that was done at LHO. It can be found here:
  * H1 waveform
  * L1 waveform
  * XML parameter file

There is a H1L1 coherent version of the September 21 test injection that was done at LHO and the waveform begins at 15Hz. This waveform should be tested after the previous waveform has been tested. It can be found here:
  * H1 waveform
  * L1 waveform
  * XML parameter file
Comments related to this report
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 16:26, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21845)DetChar, INJ
I've attached time series of the four waveforms. Y-axis is h(t) in strain.

EDIT: Re-uploaded image files with title and proper y and x labels.
Images attached to this comment
bruce.allen@LIGO.ORG - 20:51, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21933)
Chris, I think the links to the XML parameter files are broken, could you please add corrected ones?   Error message:

The requested URL /svn/injection/hwinj/Details/Inspiral/coherenttest1_1126257410.xml.gz was not found on this server.

Cheers, Bruce
christopher.biwer@LIGO.ORG - 21:35, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21934)
Hi sorry forgot the h1l1 at the beginning.
