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Reports until 12:43, Wednesday 08 February 2012
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:43, Wednesday 08 February 2012 (2184)
ETMy Test Stand Alignment Progress

J. Oberling

After yesterday's round of adjustments and letting everything settle overnight I measured the position of the ETMy and the position/pointing of both the ETMy and ERM.  As usual all yaw directions are reported assuming a top down view of the ETM/ERM and all position directions are reported using the local End Y cardinal directions.

I also measured the ETMy/ERM gap using the Keyence system at the two positions we initially measured yesterday.

The desired gap is 5mm.  The tolerance as listed in the IAS BSC06 alignment procedure (E1101071-v3, page 17) is ±0.5mm average center distance and ±1.47 mrad pitch and yaw (parallelism).  With that as the spec the gap is properly set and the ERM is properly aligned.

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