Reports until 16:10, Wednesday 23 September 2015
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Wednesday 23 September 2015 (21865)
OPS Day Summary:

TITLE:  Sept 23 Day shift, 15:00-23:00UTC, 08:00-16:00PT

STATE Of H1:  Commissioning, Range = 78Mpc, lock is 30+ hours long!

SUPPORT: MikeL, Sheila, Chris Biwer, JeffK

SHIFT SUMMARY:  In Observe most of shift, currently in Commissioning.  Commissioning includes injections, filter change, and others in progress.



15:58:43UTC - DMT glitch, Range = -1, no effect on IFO

16:00:43UTC - DMT glitch, Range = -1, no effect on IFO

20:16:27UTC - Commissioning, injections 

20:35UTC - Chris Biwer injections end

20:45:20UTC - cleared the ETMX timing error bit that was stuck

20:45:40UTC - GRB notice

20:47:16UTC - put IFO back into Observe

22:21:53UTC - Commissioning

22:22:06UTC - engaged Sheila's DHARD_Y filter

22:22:16UTC - put IFO back into Observe

22:22:18UTC - with the new filter, SDF kicked the IFO out of Observe


Currently JeffK has the IFO.