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Reports until 12:22, Thursday 24 September 2015
H1 General (GRD, ISC, PSL, SUS)
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:22, Thursday 24 September 2015 (21893)
OPS Mid-shift update: IFO back in OBSERVE

TITLE: IFO returns to Observe after multiple large earthquakes over the last 4 hours.

ASSISTANCE: Hugh (HAM5 SEI clearing all Guardian issues), Sheila (bounce-roll mode damping)


15:00UTC - start of shift, high ground motion

- SYS_DIAG telling me ISS defracted power is too high - I reduce the slider.  Defracted power was 12 and went to 9.

15:47:12UTC - ground motion just coming down enough to relock, first DRMI lock since the earthquake in Canada

16:09:36UTC - IFO made it to Bounce Violin Mode Damping

16:19:37UTC - IFO unlocked

- A couple more DRIM locks that didn't survive.

- Four more 5-6 magnitude earthquakes come in and prevent locking.

18:04:31UTC - IFO ready to lock, and this starts the locking sequence that resulted in the IFO going to Low Noise

- Longer than usual time from ready to Low Noise, and one reason was that the roll mode on ITMY was about 4, so with Sheila's help I started the damping of the roll mode manually, and waiting for it to improved  = 20 minutes

18:55:04UTC - IFO in Low Noise

18:58:57UTC - IFO in Observe

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.