Reports until 08:10, Saturday 26 September 2015
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:10, Saturday 26 September 2015 (21975)
Shift Summary - OWL

TITLE:  Sep 26 OWL Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC

STATE Of H1: Observing


SUPPORT: Mike Landry


Activity log:

13:59 After tweaking, 45Mhz RFAM held stable for ~15 minutes. Still glitching but not as frequently.

14:05 looks like a quake is incoming. Engaging Sheila’s DHARD_Y boost.

14:25 Wind on the X arm is picking up to around 16 to 20mph.

14:28 accepted DHARD_Y boost change in SDF and going to go back to observing.

14:31 Intent bit set to Undisturbed

End-Shift Summary: Last half of my shift has been dominated by a continuing loss of range due to constant low frequency glitching in DARM. Mike visited me and we realized that it was the 45Mhz RFAM issue. We toggled the gain a bit as per Stefan’s aLog and then reverted it back. This seems to have lessened the occurrences although it will still happen sporadically. IFO was locked for the entire shift. ETMY glitched twice around 08:00UTC and didn't glitch again for about 4 hours. Then they came at the typical frequency. Mexican EQ showed on the graph so while we were out of Observing I switched on Sheila’s DHARD_Y boost and accepted the change to be able to return to Undisturbed. Neither Terramon nor the USGS site showed the quake before our graph did. nice. Handing off to Nustinee.