Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 11:09, Thursday 09 February 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:09, Thursday 09 February 2012 - last comment - 22:11, Thursday 09 February 2012(2190)
Yesterday, we observed the UIM LR BOSEM to be railed.  Today, Filiberto swapped satellite boxes  - no change in the railed signal.  Then he swapped cables - again no change to the railed signal.  So, we swapped the BOSEM which apparently fixed the signal.  The original BOSEM s/n 480 was bad.  We switched in s/n 022 and Kissel reset the OLV offsets.  We then finished aligning it and the rest of the UIM BOSEMs.  All 4 UIM OSEMs are aligned, but with only 1 CAM attaching the BOSEM, due to range issues.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 22:11, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2198)
Pictures of the UIM BOSEM centering and PUM Flag mounts are on resource space:


Interestingly, my phone camera picked up the BOSEM LED light - shown as a purple dot on the flags.  A good metric to really "see" centering.  (Now, about that phone bill...)

Look at the "original file name" for a clue as to which one you are looking at.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.