The FAR threshold used by Approval Processor to select GW event candidates for potential EM follow-up has been adjusted this evening. It is now 1.9e-7 Hz for both the gstlal LowMass pipeline and the MBTAOnline pipeline; thus, we expect the union of them to be around 3.8e-7 Hz (one per month) of CBC triggers. For Burst triggers, we currently are using only one pipeline, cWB, so the threshold for that is 3.8e-7 Hz. One consequence of this is that a CBC trigger with FAR between 1.9e-7 and 3.8e-7 will cause the audible alarm to sound in the control room (because the script that does that just requires FAR < 3.8e-7) but Approval Processor will not select that trigger and the operator will not be presented with an Operator Sign-off box on the GraceDB page for that trigger. So just don't be surprised if that happens.