Reports until 19:54, Sunday 27 September 2015
H1 General
peter.shawhan@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:54, Sunday 27 September 2015 (22001)
Tweak to FAR thresholds used to select significant GW event candidates
The FAR threshold used by Approval Processor to select GW event candidates for potential EM follow-up has been adjusted this evening.  It is now 1.9e-7 Hz for both the gstlal LowMass pipeline and the MBTAOnline pipeline; thus, we expect the union of them to be around 3.8e-7 Hz (one per month) of CBC triggers.  For Burst triggers, we currently are using only one pipeline, cWB, so the threshold for that is 3.8e-7 Hz.

One consequence of this is that a CBC trigger with FAR between 1.9e-7 and 3.8e-7 will cause the audible alarm to sound in the control room (because the script that does that just requires FAR < 3.8e-7) but Approval Processor will not select that trigger and the operator will not be presented with an Operator Sign-off box on the GraceDB page for that trigger.  So just don't be surprised if that happens.