Reports until 16:33, Friday 10 February 2012
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Friday 10 February 2012 (2205)
Ham Large Triple Suspension - H2-PR3
   The Ham Large Triple Suspension, H2-PR3 metal build is fully suspended.

   We dialed it in this afternoon by eye and ruler. The M2 mass required no adjustment to bring it into bubble level (see photo). It is showing a slight roll which is in sync with the roll on the M1 mass. M1 required a slight adjustment of the wire attachment point to bring it into level. Again it is showing a slight roll, but we do not have the flags installed and the high side of the mass has the two flags. If M1 responds to the mass of the flags the way the Quad UI mass does, I expect we will need little adjustment to bring it into spec. By eye, the blade tips look close to even.

   Monday we will start optical leveling and alignment. 
Images attached to this report