Reports until 14:55, Tuesday 29 September 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:55, Tuesday 29 September 2015 (22080)
Maintenance Day Plans--Updated 2155utc--Compete--Relocking Ongoing

Proposed & Ongoing Maintenance Day Activities

Y--Approved N--Not approved for this week  D--Approved but Delayed

D--Test SDF for Beckoff--JHanks--Delayed to 10-6

Y--Move PMC, LASER & Eq from OSB OL to LSB OL--PKing & JOberling--Completed

Y--Replace Vibration Isolators on End Instrument Air Compressors--BGately--Completed

Y--Restart SATAboy--CPerez--Completed

N--Add Botches to HL & HSTS ASC for Bounce/Roll--SDwyer

Y--ETM ChargeMeasurements--BWeaver--Completed

Y--"Fix" HAM5 Rogue Excitation Error--HRadkins--Completed

Y--Swap RF45 Controller--KKawabe--Completed

Y--Add low f Boost (ASC)----Completed

Y--Update GDS Pipeline for 15 usec delay fix--JKissel--Completed

Y--PRAXAIR Deliveries 1 Monday & 2 Tuesday--CP3(MidY)[Monday], CP6(MidX), CP1(CS)--Completed

Y--Shutdown Dust Monitors at End Stations--JBartlett--Completed

Y--PCAL as a Hardware Injector Proof-of-Principle--SKarki--Completed

Y--Forklift DCS Shipment from LSB to VPW--CCarrisco--Completed

Y--Restart NDS 0 & 1--JBatch--Completed

Y--Test Hardware Injection under MONIT--JBatch--Completed

Y--Update Code on DMT for latest Calibration--JZweizig--Completed

Y--Finalize Rack Photo Assay--FClara--Completed

Y--TMSX Raster For Clipping--SDwyer--Waiting on IFO