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Reports until 07:58, Monday 13 February 2012
eric.black@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:58, Monday 13 February 2012 (2211)
ITMY oplev installation
Eric James and I installed and performed preliminary tests on the ITMY optical lever on Tuesday, Feb. 7. Alignment was straightforward, and the return beam was bright enough to see without difficulty. We did have some clearance issues with the receiver breadboard, which did not clear the beam tube. We added some 2-inch spacers to offset the breadboard from the pylon (to clear the bellows) and removed about an inch from the corner to ensure the board would clear the main tube. 

Electronics went well, thanks to help from Thomas Vo, Dave Barker, who established a preliminary medm screen to read out the oplev signal. 
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.