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Reports until 09:15, Tuesday 14 February 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:15, Tuesday 14 February 2012 (2227)
H2 SUS ETMY -- Latest Results
After the relief of the UIM blade clamp screws, I've taken a new set of data. The results look MUCH better, but I believe there's still some but of interference some where, as all degrees of freedom (on both chains) the data is dreadfully noisy, with almost no coherence below 1Hz. I don't believe this remaining running is a show stopper, but we should be on the look out.

Three like data sets:
For M0
H2 SUS ITMY M0 (2012-01-10) -- Post-cartridge installed Phase 3b approved monolithic fiber chain (should be the same between an ITM and an ETM)
H2 SUS ETMY M0 (2012-02-13) -- Yesterday's data, with UIM blade spring bolts rubbing against the top mass, between chains.
H2 SUS ETMY M0 (2012-02-14) -- Today's data, with the UIM rubbing relieved.

For R0 
H2 SUS ETMY R0 (2011-11-22) --  Phase 1b approved metal erm chain (should be the same  roughly the same between glass and metal)
H2 SUS ETMY R0 (2012-02-13) -- Yesterday's data, with UIM blade spring bolts rubbing against the top mass, between chains.
H2 SUS ETMY R0 (2012-02-14) -- Today's data, with the UIM rubbing relieved.

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