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Reports until 15:55, Thursday 21 October 2010
H2 General
raymond.frey@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Thursday 21 October 2010 (223)
terminated GRB alerts and SNEWS test alerts to LHO
The GRB alerts to LHO have been terminated until further notice.
Same goes for the weekly SNEWS test alerts (as well as any real SNEWS supernova alerts...).

The GRB alerts are still being sent to LLO, but those will also be terminated soon.

GEO: We are set up to send GRB abd SNEWS alerts to GEO, and they will set up soon to receive them, according to H Grote.
Virgo: Virgo has its own independent system.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.