Reports until 14:43, Tuesday 14 February 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:43, Tuesday 14 February 2012 (2230)
All H2 SUS restored and confirmed functional
After the timing failure, and subsequent reboot of all H2 frontends, I had to go in and BURT restore all the suspensions. I started off using the previous versions of the _safe.snap files found in
but as previously reported, they show a red "not ok!" when restored, presumably because they were generated when the DAQ system was at RCG 2.3.1. But again, it seems to restore the EPICs values just fine.

I glanced over H2 SUS ITMY, H2 SUS ETMY, and H2 SUS FMY, made sure all there damping loops were functional, with their BIOS and watchdogs set appropriately (for their given model status -- ITMY is at a newer version of this stuff) and have re-created the follow snapshots, which should be used (for now, until we upgrade ETMY and FMY, and merge the branch-2.4 and trunk of the userapps repo)

H2 SUS ITMY (Now at RCG 2.4) -- /opt/rtcds/userapps/branch-2.4/sus/h2/burtfiles/h2susitmy_safe.snap
H2 SUS FMY -- /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h2/burtfiles/fmy/h2susfmy_safe.snap
H2 SUS ETMY -- /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h2/burtfiles/etmy/h2susetmy_safe.snap

I've left all suspensions in this safe state.