Reports until 21:13, Tuesday 14 February 2012
craig.conley@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:13, Tuesday 14 February 2012 (2236)
TMS Qube-to-Cartridge Installation (Betsy, Cheryl, Keita, Dan, Craig, David)
The Qube-to-Cartridge Installation was successfull and went pretty much as planned. We were nearly able to get the qube into position using the genie/5-axis table combination, but were a little shy of the back (+Y) leg of the cookie cutter (we used the far cookie cutter option relative to the Quad). Weighing options, we decided to apply the pusher tools to finally adjust the position to the cookie cutter. We then installed all (except one) dog clamps as per D0900419. The small dog clamp which partially wedges between the ISI Table and stage 0 will be attempted tomorrow as we need a short socket and overall 'low-profile' tool set-up for it. We just lacked the short socket.

Now we hope that our position and bearing are just right relative to the ETM. By eye it looks good.
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