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Reports until 07:10, Thursday 16 February 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:10, Thursday 16 February 2012 (2237)
H2 SUS FMY -- Pre-Pumpdown TFs: Rubbing Badness
I've take new, pre-pump-down H2SUSFMY data, and have identified that the suspended elements are inhibited by some sort of rubbing. Of course, it's too late fix anything now -- at least for the foreseeable future, and we don't need H2 SUS FMY for the single arm. But, it's sad.

See attached comparison between
H2SUSFMY (111114) -- Phase 2C approved Measurement: pre-cartridge install, metal mass
H2SUSFMY (2012-01-09) -- Un-posted Phase 3A measurement: post-cartridge install, taken to be "final," but before final setting of EQ stops (see below). Taken to be measurement that approved the SUS.
H2SUSFMY (2012-02-15) -- Today's measurement, just before pump-down of BSC8.

We initially approved this suspension, post cartridge install with measurements on Jan 9th (no original aLOG posted, but shown in the attached plots).

We neglected to confirm that the dynamics were OK after EQ stops and BOSEMs were set to the "final" values for both BSC8 Suspensions on Feb 01, assuming that moving the EQ stops closer (but obviously attempting not to touch the suspended elements) would not effect the dynamics.

Note, I'm so confident it's EQ stop rubbing, because we had recently decreed (see M1100256) that we need to get the stops 0.75mm +/- 0.25mm away from the suspended masses. The technique for determining this distance is 

(1) Run in all stops until "just touching" the mass
(2) Given the knowledge of the stop's bolt thread, turn out the bolt the number of turns necessary to create a 0.75mm gap. E.g. a 1/4-20 screw (typical EQ stop size) has 20 threads per inch, or 0.05 inches / thread, or 1.27mm / thread. In practice one can get ~1/4-1/2 turn accuracy, or +/- ~0.0.31mm at best.

However, there are several factors further against you while setting these stops: 
- "just touching" the mass, because running stops in is typically done sequentially is difficult to get: one can believe that running the first stop into "just touching" would move the suspended mass by ~0.5mm or more. 
- For a good fraction of the EQ stops, the point of contact is invisible rendering the check of the gap, one they're believed to be backed off at best difficult (say by using a mirror system), or at worst impossible.

Perhaps we need to revisit this decision/requirement again...

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