Reports until 13:09, Wednesday 15 February 2012
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:09, Wednesday 15 February 2012 (2238)
ETMy Test Stand Alignment Progress

D. Cook, J. Oberling, T. Sadecki

We re-aligned the ETMy and ERM in pitch this morning, and meausred yaw.

For the ERM we aligned the pitch until the reflection from the ERM was overlapping the reflection from the AR surface of the ETMy.  With this combination together I am unable to get an accurate measurement of the pitch and yaw because the two reflections sway independently, creating an irregularly shaped "blob" on the laser autocollimator (LAC) which is not representative of the pitch and yaw of either surface.  The ERM spec is ±1.47 mrad of differential pitch and yaw between the AR surface of the ETMy and the front surface of the ERM.  With the two reflections overlapping we are well within this spec.  The ETMy and ERM are now aligned and we (IAS) are waiting word from TMS to begin aligning the TMS assembly.