Title: 10/12 Day Shift 15:00-23:00 UTC (8:00-16:00 PST). All times in UTC.
State of H1: Lock Acquisition
Shift Summary: Locked until 18:12, struggled to relock after that. Sheila and I have been trying different things since. It just lost lock at DC_READOUT as I'm typing this.
Incoming operator: Nutsinee
Activity log:
14:19 ETMY sat x2
14:55 Bubba bangging on control room
15:04 ETMY
15:07 ETMY
16:15 John, Gerardo to MY for leak checking
16:41 Jenne to MY to swap cars
16:59 Jenne back
16:59 Richard and HFD to MY
17:15 Gerardo, John back
17:18 Richard and HFD back
17:52 Keita and Elli to EY for LV ESD Noise measurement
18:04 Gerardo to MY
18:12 Lockloss
18:20 Blends switched to Quiet_90
18:55 Dick to Optics Lab
18:56 Blends switched back to 45mHz
19:12 Dick back
19:25 Gerardo back
19:36 Keita back
19:53 Starting Initial Alignment
20:17 John, Gerardo to MY
22:36 John, Gerardo back
22:42 Robert driving down Y arm to get equipment in beam tube enclosure between CS and MY