Reports until 11:46, Wednesday 14 October 2015
H1 DetChar (DetChar, ISC)
gabriele.vajente@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:46, Wednesday 14 October 2015 - last comment - 17:09, Wednesday 14 October 2015(22514)
Noise trend for the run

The plots attached to this elog show the trend of the LHO detector noise over the O1 time span so far. Each plot shows the band-limited RMS of the CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL signal, in a selected frequency band. I didn't apply the dewhitening filter. The BLRMS is computed over segments of 60 seconds of data, computing the PSD with 5s long FFTs (Hann window) and averaging. The orange trace shows a smoothed version, averaged over one hour segments. Only time in ANALYSIS_READY have been considered.

The scripts used to compute the BLRMS (python, look at are attached and uploaded to the NonNA git repository. The data is then plotted using MATLAB (script attached too).

I think there's a lot of interesting information in those plots. My plan would be to try to correlate the noise variations with IFO and environmental channels. Any suggestion from on-site commissioners is welcome!

Here are my first comments on the trends:

So what happenend on September 23rd around the end of the day, UTC time?

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 17:09, Wednesday 14 October 2015 (22525)CAL, DetChar
S. Dwyer, J. Kissel, G. Vajente

Gabriele notes a drop in BLRMS that is most (only) visible in the 30-40 [Hz] band, and questions what happened around Sept 23rd.

Sheila (re)identified that I had made a change to the calibration that only affects DELTAL_EXTERNAL around the day, see LHO aLOG 21788. 

This change, increasing the delay between the calibrated actuation and sensing chains just before they're added, would indeed affect only the region around the DARM UGF (~40 [Hz]), where the calibrated actuation and sensing functions are both valid, and roughly equal in contribution to the DELTAL_EXTERNAL signal. Indeed, the (6.52 - 6)/6 = 0.086 = 8% drop is consistent with the 8% amplitude change expected that Peter describes in his motivation for me to make the change of the relative delay, see LHO aLOG 21746.

Gabriele has independently confirmed that he's using DELTAL_EXTERNAL (and not GDS-CALIB_STRAIN which would *not* have seen this change) and the change happened between Sept 22 2015, between 15:00 and 20:00 UTC (*not* Sept 23rd UTC that he mentioned above). I've confirmed that the EPICs record was changed right smack in between there on Sept 22 17:10 UTC.

Good catch, Sheila!