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Reports until 16:54, Wednesday 14 October 2015
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:54, Wednesday 14 October 2015 (22524)
Operators: Please run A2L (~90 sec) before going to Observe


As part of WP 5552, we'd like to run the A2L script several times over the next week.  I have modified the script such that it will put all settings back to what they were, so the configuration of the IFO won't change (normally when we run A2L, it will change some gains that we must make a decision on whether or not to accept).  I've also incorporated the "stop_osc" script that finishes clearing the SDF diffs, so this should be a one-liner no muss, no fuss operation.  The script takes less than 2 minutes to run. 

So, after reaching NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE but before hitting the Observe intent, please run the following:

cd /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/isc/common/scripts/decoup


We'd like to do this at the beginning of every lock stretch for about the next week.  If you're ending a commissioning / maintenence / other period and about to go to Observe but the IFO stayed locked, or are about to go into one of those periods but the IFO is still locked, that would also be a good time to run the code, so that we get even more data after the IFO has had time to settle.  But please do not drop out of Observe just to run this measurement.

The code should clear all the SDF diffs, but if anything is left over, please revert everything, so that the state of the IFO isn't changing.

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