TITLE: Oct 17 EVE Shift 23:00-07:00UTC (16:00-00:00 PDT), all times posted in UTC
STATE Of H1: Observing
LOCK DURATION: ~8hr50min
23:05 Chris left the site
23:06 Jordan arrived on site
04:06 Wind is picking up to ~20mph. Loss of range is about 5Mpc on the hour . 75Mpc
05:35 Wind is dying back to ≤ 10mph range has returned to 80Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: IFO locked for my entire shift. Wind speeds rose for about 2 hours and it took a few Mpcs off the range but the range returned after wind died back. Range 76Mpc
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 23:06:12 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 23:06:13 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 23:20:02 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 23:23:28 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 23:39:27 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 17 23:54:12 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 02:56:08 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 03:20:42 UTC)
SUS E_T_M_Y saturating (Oct 18 05:46:47 UTC)