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Reports until 14:08, Sunday 18 October 2015
H1 DetChar (DetChar, ISC, SUS)
andrew.lundgren@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:08, Sunday 18 October 2015 (22620)
Check of Noisemons and SUS electronics
Andy, Josh

We've developed a tool to keep an eye out for problems in the SUS coil driver electronics like with PRM M3 (alog).  When a coil driver goes bad, it can be hard to work out which one is the culprit because the feedback makes many degrees of freedom glitch. But the bad coil will have glitches that are not in the drive signal, hence the coherence between the analog readback and the drive signal will drop.

This tool plots the spectra of the NOISEMON and MASTER_OUT channels, and their coherence, for the four quadrants of many different SUS channels. From these, it should be possible to check if there are any unexpected lines in the coil driver output, and whether it's not correctly following the drive signal. It's also possible to check the health of the noisemons themselves.

The result is attached for Oct 17 8:00 UTC. We'll be looking through this and following up on any problems. The code doesn't yet deal nicely with channels that have no drive signal. Those will just be left blank. The code is Python and requires gwpy; it is available on github as noismon_check.
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