Reports until 09:01, Monday 19 October 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:01, Monday 19 October 2015 (22637)
Updated GWINC Directory in /ligo/svncommon/IscSVN/ Directory
J. Kissel 

In order to get the latest updates to GWINC inspiral range calculation authored by John Miller and Salvo Vitale @MIT, I've updated the local checkout of gwinc on the workstations in
corner of the Isc SVN repo:

/ligo/svncommon/IscSVN/iscmodeling/trunk/gwinc$ svn up
A    redshift_to_dist.m
A    dist_to_redshift.m
U    precompIFO.m
U    int73.m
U    gwinc.m
U    IFOModel.m
A    calculate_horizon.m
A    int73_FminsearchVersion.m
U    SourceModel.m
U    int73_GWINCV3.m
Updated to revision 2719.