Reports until 15:59, Friday 17 February 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG -
posted 15:59, Friday 17 February 2012 (2264)
Watched Apollo install H1 Mode Cleaner B Tube (and probably take FTIRs on MC A Tube).
Lost connection to the Vacuum Rack near H2 PSL. Dave/Filiberto was able to get it back online
8:44 Rebolt on site
Stoneway also came on site with delivery for Ken
Several Annulus Pump alarms, but Kyle says only to worry about are the Beam Tube Gate Valve Annulus Ion Pumps
Had several Chiller Yard Pump Failure & an RO Alarm (Ski said this was due to reboots)
BSC8 ISI Cables disconnected for Leak investigations