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Reports until 07:52, Tuesday 20 October 2015
peter.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:52, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22667)
PSL After Power Outage
The power went out this morning.  I went to restart the laser.  Pretty much all the alarms on the status screen were set.  TwinSafe reported that it was okay.  The interlock box status LED did not light up in either the on or off position.  I reset all the serial ports on the Beckhoff computer and things came good again.  The regular startup was invoked.  Laser came up.  I engaged the output of the high voltage power supply.

None of the servos were locked by the time I got back to the Control Room, as this requires a front end model restart.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.