Reports until 18:24, Tuesday 20 October 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:24, Tuesday 20 October 2015 - last comment - 09:23, Thursday 22 October 2015(22703)
Summary of Power Outtage Recovery
J. Kissel, for R. McCarthy, J. Worden, G. Moreno, J. Hanks, R. Bork, C. Perez, R. Blair, K. Kawabe, P. King, J. Oberling, J. Warner, H. Radkins, N. Kijbunchoo, E. King, B. Weaver, T. Sadecki, E. Hall, P. Thomas, S. Karki, D. Moraru, G. Mendell

Well, it turns out the IFO is a complicated beast with a lot of underlying infrastructure that we rely on to even begin recovering the IFO. Since LHO so infrequently loses power, I summarize the IFO systems that are necessary before we can begin the alignment / recovery process with pointers to aLOGs and/or names of people who did the work, so that we have a global perspective on all of the worlds that need attention when all power dies. One could consider this a sort of check-list, so I've roughly prioritized the items into stages, where the items within each stage can be done in parallel if the man-power exists and/or is on-site.

Stage 1
Facilities - Richard

Vacuum - John / Kyle / Gerardo

Stage 2
CDS - 
     Work Stations - Richard
     Control Room FOMs - Operators / Carlos
     DC Power Supplies - Richard

Stage 3
CDS continued
     Front-Ends and I/O Chassis - Dave (LHO aLOG 22694, LHO aLOG 22704)
         Timing System 
         Guardian Machine (comes up OK with a simple power cycle)
     Beckhoff PLCs - Patrick (LHO aLOG 22671)

PSL - Peter / Jason / Keita (LHO aLOG 22667, LHO aLOG 22674, LHO aLOG 22693)
     Front Ends
     TwinCAT Beckhoff (separate from the rest of the IFO's Beckhoff)
     IO Rotation Stage

TCS Nutsinee / Elli (LHO aLOG 22675)
     TCS Rotation Stage (run on same Beckhoff chassis as IO Rotation Stage, and some PSL PEM stuff too)

ALS Green Lasers - Keita
     The interlock for these lasers are on-top of the ISCT-Ends, and need a key turn as well as a "start" button push, so it's a definite trip to the end-station

PCAL Lasers - Sudarshan
     These either survived the power outtage, don't have an interlock, or can be reset remotely. I asked Sudarshan about the health of the PCAL lasers, and he was able to confirm goodness without leaving the control room.

High-Voltage - Richard McCarthy
     ESD Drivers, PZTs
HEPI Pumps and Pump Servos - Hugh (LHO aLOG 22679)

Stage 4
Cameras - Carlos
    PCAL Spot-position Cameras
    Green and IR cameras
SDF System - Betsy / Hugh
    Changing the default start-up SAFE.snap tables to OBSERVE.snap tables (LHO aLOG 22702)

Hardware Injections - Chris Biwer / Keith Riles / Dave Barker
    These have not yet been restarted

DMT / LDAS - Greg Mendell / Dan Moraru (LHO aLOG 22701)

May we have excercise this list very infrequently if at all in the future!
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:23, Thursday 22 October 2015 (22744)
C. Vorvick should be added to the list of participants! Apologies for anyone else that slipped from my mind late in the evening.