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Reports until 20:42, Tuesday 20 October 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:42, Tuesday 20 October 2015 (22705)
XARM Alignment Problems -- A Triphecta of Small Things
J. Kissel, J. Driggers, T. Schaffer [S. Dwyer remotely]

While working our way through initial alignment, we were having great difficulties keeping the XARM locked on Red. Looking in every drawer and under every rug we could find, we found three small problems:
(1) The TransMon X QPD B dark offset sum compensation needed to be changed +0.8 to -1.2. Not crazy that a site-wide power outtage changed the QPD dark offsets.
(2) Digging around the analog signal chain, we found that the TransMon X QPD A and B whitening gains were +18 [db], when they had been +9 [dB] 24 hours ago before the power outtage. Not crazy that some Beckhoff settings did not get restored properly. I'm worried there are more, but I guess we'll find those later...
(3) The ALIGN_IFO manager had been continuously requesting PRM and SRM to be misaligned for the XARM state, but PRM and SRM were not misaligned. After re-requesting misaligned (on their respective individual SUS guardian nodes), PRM and SRM actually misaligned, which cleaned up AS AIR RF45 PDH error signal nicely, and the XARM locked right up.

Two hours ... *flush*
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