TMS was badly crooked for some reason. Maybe it's different cable tension, maybe the fact that we changed the wire clamp hole to make it higher by 8mm.
After making various adjustment, TMS upper mass is now only pinned at one corner. We need to slide the adjusting mass a bit. Apart from that, no touching.
Before any adjustment, Doug measured the TMS height to be about 1.5cm higher than nominal. However, just by eyeballing, it looked OK. After our adjustment, TMS came down a bit (a few mm) but not 1.5cm. Thing is, it looks somewhat lower than ERM. not higher. This needs to be revisited before making fine adjustments to the balance.
As such, the first thing in the morning is to move the slide mass in the upper mass so nothing touches and measure the TMS height. If it is really 1cm or more high, we need to lift the tele and change the wire clamp position again.