Reports until 04:18, Friday 23 October 2015
H1 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:18, Friday 23 October 2015 (22770)
H1 Out of Observation Mode from 9:27 - 10:56


As Nutsinee was beginning to head out, she noticed (9:23) oscillations on tidal signals & ASC signals.  H1 then had a lockloss within 4mins (see Nutsinee's Lockloss post).  Spent quite a bit of time trying to get back with a mix of different issues.  

ALS troubles

During the 2nd & lock acquisition attempt, saw that the ALS had troubles.  Alignment looked fine, but the arms would oscillate and then H1 went DOWN.  Tried staying DOWN for a while to let mirrors calm down, but not sure what the problem was here.  Eventually, H1 made it through this step, but spent on the order of 15-25min just in ALS.

ISS 2nd Loop "Not Great"

Once ALS issues were behind us, H1 had locklosses at various points during guardian states.  On about the 3rd attempt after ALS issues above, made it all the way to ENGAGE_ISS_2ND_LOOP, but was stuck here on the order of 15-20min.  Nutsinee pointed me to Kiwamu's alog for when we have troubles during this state & we followed Kiwamu's procedure for engaging the ISS by hand.

NOTE:  While we were at this state the ISS diff power was just under 9%.  We tried adjusting the slider to lower this to no avail.  After engaging by hand, this went up, and then came down to about 8.2%.

SDF Differences:  LSC ARM INPUT MATRX 2_2

Once we were at NLN, noticed (2) SDF differences for the LSC.  These were related to an LSC ARM Input Matrix Element 2_2.  The value was 0, but SDF wanted it to be 14.  So we Reverted the two channels, but we actually had to click "Load Matrix" for this Matrix to actually change the element.  Not sure why Guardian missed this.


So, went through Guardian the way TJ instructed me to at the end of his shift (involving going Manual during ENGAGE_ASC_PART3 & staying in Low gain for ASC SOFT----this is all for running in the special state with Blend filters for high useism).