Hugh, Corey, Hugo
Some of the CPS-targets of HAM-ISI Unit #2 are scratched. Scratching patterns suggest that damages were caused by the insertion of a Teflon shim to check the sensor-gaps, which was performed prior to disassembly/reassembly. This test was waived for the two latest units tested at LHO and should be avoided.
Some targets have dents. The origin of these dents remains unknown.
Damaged targets will be sent back for re-machining.
None of this damage was seen during clean and bake. It's possible that the way we package these targets post-bake could be indited but I don't see how. Each target is cradled in contec wipes. Let us know if this appears to be a systemic issue.
I also think it is unlikely that the Clean and Bake process is responsible for the scratches but please keep an eye out as you unwrap target faces and let us know if the ConTec is not providing enough cushioning from the foil.