Tediously, moanfully and slowly we make progress.
ISC table was rebalanced.
There was an excessive roll in the upper mass, which was fixed by using the slide mass at the top.
Left and right BOSEMs were too low (light 100% cut off), so they were brought up.
Side BOSEM was off-centered and (barely) touching, restricting the upward motion of the upper mass, and it was centered.
Face BOSEMs were centered and adjusted too.
After doing these, the center of the telescope input aperture didn't move much if any, but the yaw angle of the thing somehow got better (why?). Yesterday the laser beam injected from the total station was not hitting the secondary, but now it's hitting. We're still off in yaw and need to use the pusher to rotate the cube.
At the request of Ken Mailand, we also spent some time making measurement for the position of the ISC table in relation to the ISI table so Ken and Calum can understand what could have gone wrong between the cookie cutter and the TMS telescope.
We started to use BOSEM readings. At first nothing worked as burtrestore was not properly done. I think there was one reboot about two weeks ago where people didn't care to burtrestore h2sustmsyepics, and after yesterday's reboot Jim burtrestored to the morning of Feb/21, but of course that didn't work.
Anyway, after Jim burtrestored to a known good time (Feb/03 morning), BOSEMs started making sense.
We cannot burtrestore from the EY CDS workstation. Why?
We still haven't connected QPDs.