I've pushed an updated version of the h2iscey model, that includes some missing termination of unused channels. I have also rebuilt and installed this model, both without issue:
controls@h2build ~ 0$ cd /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/rtbuild-2.4.1 controls@h2build rtbuild-2.4.1 0$ make h2iscey command is make h2iscey ... Successfully compiled ********************* make succeeded log file is /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/data/buildlog/h2iscey_2012_06_23_15:06:52 controls@h2build rtbuild-2.4.1 0$ make install-h2iscey command is make install-h2iscey ... make succeeded log file is /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/data/buildlog/install-h2iscey_2012_19_23_15:19:33 controls@h2build rtbuild-2.4.1 0$
NOTE: I have not restarted the model. I'll leave it to someone on site to restart the model.