Reports until 14:44, Friday 24 February 2012
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:44, Friday 24 February 2012 (2296)
Leak tested feed-through flanges recently exercised by cable back-shell replacement
Kyle, Gerardo  

We retested the feed-through flanges which had previously passed leak testing but which had since had their cable "back-shells" replaced ((12) cables on (6) 4.5" flanges).  We did this to verify that the act of disconnecting and reconnecting the cables required to replace the back-shells had not resulted in any "new" leaks -> We found no new leaks.  Indicated helium baseline remained ~6 x 10-10 torr*L/sec throughout testing. 

Next, we retested the 4.5" CF blank which had initially been found to leak at 1.1 x 10-7 torr*L/sec earlier but which had been tightened and found to be fixed (see earlier entries) -> No leaks 

Finally, we retested the known leaker (dual triax) and verified it to be leaking at 2 x 10-7 torr*L/sec (note: slight difference between current value and value previously reported is due to calibrating using a different source of calibration gas, external vs. internal cal-gas source).  

We plan on venting the YBM next week and to replace the leaking triax flange as well as reflanging the feedthrough suspected of having "bottomed-out" flange screws (see earlier entries).