Sheila, Nutsinee
I looked at the PRMI to DRMI transition attempts that TJ and Nutsinee logged in the past 2 days, (22972 and 22951), zoomed in plots of both are attached.
As you can see for the sucsesfull transition AS90 was high (about 400 counts in the unnormalized channel) when the SRCL feedback came on, and in the unsucsesfull one AS90 was low, about 50 counts. I have added code to the DRMI guardian that changes the SRCL trigger to AS90 before attempting to turn on the SRCL feedback, with an on threshold of 200 (the trigger uses the normalized channel, so this is something like 450-500 counts in the unnormalized channel ploted here) and an off threshold of 50 coutns. Since the wind is high today and locking the full IFO is not really an option, nutsinee will give this a try if it is compatible with Hugh's measurements.
I attempted to transition from PRMI to DRMI during the first locking attempt after the wind had died down. While the transition kept PRMI locked for quite a while (see screenshot of StripTool), it couldn't hold it long enough to grab DRMI.
I found a typo in ISC_DRMI guardian code after ISC_DRMI gave the connection error notification. H1:LSC-TRIG_MTRX_2_2 was written as H1:LSC_TRIG_MTRX_2_2. Fixed it and hopefully we can move on.