Reports until 21:50, Friday 30 October 2015
jordan.palamos@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:50, Friday 30 October 2015 (22995)
Wind, Microseism and Duty Cycle

I made some plots to get a sense of how wind and microseism are affecting our duty cycle so far in O1. The first plot is a histogram of duty cycle vs percentiles of wind/microseism. The second plot is a timeseries that shows the microseism and wind plotted for all of O1 (until Oct 31 00:00 UTC) with the percentiles of each superimposed and locked segments along the bottom. All data are minute trend maximums. I used the flag H1:DMT-DC_READOUT_LOCKED for the locked state. 

Comparing with long term wind / microseism statistics:

8-year wind study from Margarita:

Long term study of the seismic environment: P040015

Below I have included a table of actual values for each percentile. The 8 year study of wind has higher values (I inferred the 8-year percentiles from the first plot in Margarita's aLog). Note that the 8 year study used hourly max trend data as opposed to minute trends.  Also, keep in mind Margarita's study has already shown that historically September / October are less windy then spring/summer months.

The long term microseism numbers (taken from fig. 5 of the paper) agree more closely with O1 results so far.

Percentile O1 Wind [MPH] Eight Year Wind [MPH] O1 Microseism [nm/s] Long Term Microseism [nm/s]
50 6 11 255 200
70 10 15 359 300
80 13 20 442 400
90 16 25 555 550
95 21 30 650 700

The code used to generate these plots is located here:

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