Reports until 12:23, Tuesday 28 February 2012
christopher.kucharczyk@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:23, Tuesday 28 February 2012 - last comment - 15:14, Tuesday 28 February 2012(2309)
LHO Seismic upgrade to RCG-2.4 model for blend filter switching
I have created a new 2-stage master model for RCG release 2.4. This model will use C-code and scripts for blend-filter switching that requires the cdsFiltCtrl block in version 2.4. I have replaced the isi2stagemaster block in h2isiitmy.mdl with the isi2stagemaster_2_4 block.
The new model is called isi2stagemaster_2_4.mdl in userapps/release/isi/common/models. I built it on h2seib8 in /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/rtbuild-2.4.1. It built successfully, and I'm waiting to test
The prepare script will need to be changed to load the blend filters into both the 'CUR' and 'NXT' banks, rather than just the individual banks (this doubles the number of blend filters that must appear in the foton file). It also requires the 'MASTER' switch blend filter script, rather than the regular switch blend filter script. I will move this script from the Stanford directory to the common scripts directory. I will add the screens for the new blend filters from the Stanford screens, as well as the new overview screen.
It seems as though there's a 'trunk' building area that uses the current trunk of the RCG. This might be useful for testing the new Guardian alarms.
Comments related to this report
christopher.kucharczyk@LIGO.ORG - 15:14, Tuesday 28 February 2012 (2310)
Per Fabrice's suggestion, I have changed the naming for the models. The new (2.4, current) model is still named isi2stagemaster.mdl. The old (2.3) model is now named isi2stagemaster_2_3_STATIC.mdl.