Reports until 18:16, Tuesday 28 February 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:16, Tuesday 28 February 2012 (2313)
ETMy SUS work
Today, we finished installing the sleeve, wedges, and cross braces on the ETMy structure.  We then made a cleaning attempt of the ETMy HR which was futile.  A gradient of particulate was observed over the entire surface, including the very bottom 1/4 which still had First Contact covering it.  There was ~40 particles/ at the top of the optic (where it has been exposed on and off for many weeks.  There were ~10 particles/ on the lower half of the optic.  ~5-10 particles/ on the lowest 1/4, observed while pulling the remaining bit of FC today.  We N2 blew and swab dabbed, but to no avail.  We then repainted a fresh sheet and repeated the whole process on the ERM-AR.  Similar results on that surface.

We left the suspension fully suspended, but with the face shields in place.  Fabrice reported that they were going to finish balancing the ISI table and then would remove the face shields for TFs tonight/tomorrow.