Reports until 18:19, Tuesday 28 February 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:19, Tuesday 28 February 2012 - last comment - 09:54, Thursday 01 March 2012(2314)
ETMy particulate contamination
More on particulate contamination:
I suspected that the flow in the EY cartridge cleanroom area was not working as we planned.  John helped us look closer at the flow in the cleanroom "system" we have for the cartridge work.  The ETMy/SUS/ISI cartridge is sitting in a large cleanroom (CR), with a smaller CR placed on either side.  We determined that the smaller CRs on opposing sides of the main CR are forcing air into the main one.  This is because the smaller rooms have lower ceilings (thus lower fans closer to the ETM "action"), a smaller gap between the curtains and the floors, and have a higher number of fans/volume.  As well, in the main room the ISI is blocking most of the downward flow from CR fans.  We also have been pinning the curtains open between between the small and large CR, increasing the work real estate.  One of these now open walls makes a direction flow line-of sight to ETMy-HR.
Long story short, we'll need to re-think this next time we do an end station cartridge install.  Small things will help, such as purging more flow from the smaller rooms (raising them to add more gap between floor/curtain).
Comments related to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - 09:54, Thursday 01 March 2012 (2323)
After some conversation, John suggested a couple of fixes: increase the positive pressure in the Test Stand CR relative to the two small CRs and mitigate curtain issues. The most obvious way to change flow is to adjust the FFUs on the CRs to medium but this is difficult at the moment given the restricted access to the FFUs, especially on the Garbing/Staging CR. John suggested replacing the strip curtains on two side (beam tube and roll-up door) of the Test Stand CR will solid panels but this didn't seem a good idea since it would leave both COC and TMS optics exposed during the change out. A reasonable experiment to test the concept seemed to be using CP Stat sheets on the exterior of the strip curtains to maintain more positive pressure in the Test Stand CR. The CP Stat was attached to the CR frame using CR tape. Duplicate curtains were removed from the Staging and Work Space CRs.