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Reports until 07:47, Friday 02 March 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:47, Friday 02 March 2012 - last comment - 16:31, Friday 02 March 2012(2333)
H2 SUS ITMY Status, Post Pump Down Quiet time
Hoping to get some good quiet time with H2 SUS ITMY after the chamber has finally been pumped down to a few x 10^-7 Torr, I took a quick glance at the OSEM alignment after noticing that M0 Damping loops were not on. Attached are screen shots of the OSEM alignment speedometers; they show that the Vertical/Roll sensors (M0/R0 LF and RT) have either lost their signal, or the flags are occulting the the LED/PD. M0's LF and RT are showing basically ADC noise and "off the radar," R0's LF and RT are at least on the radar (and should still be usable).

As such, I've left the system in a state where 
M0 L, T, P, and Y are damped
R0 L, T, V, R, P, Y are damped
and from my quick glances at BSC 8 ISI and BSC8 HEPI overview screens, I see that
ST1 and ST2 Damping is ON

One can consider this state to be the case starting at
Mar 02 2012 15:44:41 UTC

(and should true for at least another hour.)
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Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 16:31, Friday 02 March 2012 (2343)
I did a preliminary trend study with Vincent. Approximately 1:50 pm yesterday (12-03-01-19-50-00), there seems to have been a major shaking incident involving SUS, ISI and HPI. Give or take a few data drop-outs due to computers being rebooted, there were major excursions in many ISI and HPI signals for about 6 hours. The M0 top OSEMs (LF and RT) started going from rail to rail at exactly the same time as the ISI and HPI signals but after about 1 hour, the max min, and mean all went to zero, possibly indicating some mechanical failure.

More later - need to check if there are any signs of life on the reaction chain and the lower levels of the main chain.
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