Reports until 17:14, Monday 05 March 2012
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:14, Monday 05 March 2012 (2361)
ISI Trends during Fiber Brakes
The document attached shows trends from the ISI. The vertical red lines mark the approximate time of the failure. 

Page 1:

It shows the 12 actuators drive output of the BSC-ISI model. They were all zeros approximately 3 hours before and 3 hours after the fibers brake.

Page 2:

- It  shows the status of the ISI watch dog. It tripped approximately one hour before the brake.

- However, the comparison between the figure on the left and the figure on the right show a discrepancy between the "slow" and "daq" version of the same channel. According to the DAQ channel, the ISI front end was off when the fibers broke. According to the slow channel the watchdog was tripped. In both cases no excitation is sent from the ISI model to the DAQ, but we would like to understand why these information contradict each over.

Page 3:
- Channel 1 to 6 shows the Coil driver Voltage readback of stage 2. 
- Channel 7 to 12 shows the Coil driver current readback of stage 2.    
- Channel 13 shows that the ISI master switch was off
- Channel 14 shows that the ISI watchdog was tripped.

We wonder how the DAQ could drive the coil driver while the ISI real time controllers output were all zeros.

Page 4 shows the similar thing for Stage 1.

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