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Reports until 19:28, Tuesday 06 March 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:28, Tuesday 06 March 2012 (2366)
H2 SUS ITMY during fiber break
The attached plots are detailed data trends for all input and output channels on the H2 SUS ITMY M0/R0 top masses and each stage of the BSC-ISI during a 50-second period last Thursday March 1 beginning at approximately 11:50:00 PST (UTC: 19:50:00 , GPS: 101 466 6670) until the trigger of the SUS ITMY software watchdogs. 

Some notes before diving into these trends:
1.) The first trigger of the SUS ITMY WatchDogs was at approximately:
    101 466 6686 GPS
    19:51:11     UTC
    11:51:11     PST
2.) These plots all contain 50 seconds of full frame data for those channels with data being written to frames.  Each attachment has a plot of the three SUS ITMY WatchDog states when they first tripped at approximately (GPS) 101 466 6686.

3.) The FEC channels are the EPICS data from the DAC outputs for either the SUS or SEI machines (h2susb478 and h2seib478), which is sampled at 16Hz.  These signals should be the outputs sent to coil drivers.

4.) Each attachment is a different set of either inputs or outputs for each sensor/actuator group on either the BSC-ISI or the ITMY M0/R0 top mass coils. This is true for about the first six plots on each attachment - the SUS WDs and M0 COILOUTF channels were kept while trending different sensor/actuator groups.  

1.)  M0 OSEMINF, M0 WatchDog states, M0 COILOUTF (DAQ data written from output of SUS coil drivers)

2.)  M0 OSEMINF, M0 WatchDog states, M0 DAMP OUTMON (epics 16Hz data)

3.)  M0 OSEMINF, M0 WatchDog states, FEC-30 DAC OUTPUT (DAC machine generating the ITMY coil output signals)

4.) R0 OSEMINF, M0 WatchDogs, R0 COILOUTF

5.) ISI ST1 CPS inputs

6.) ISI ST1 L4C inputs

7.)ISI ST1 T240 inputs

8.) ISI ST2 CPS inputs

9.) ISI ST2 GS13 inputs

10.) ISI FEC-75 (h2seib478 DAC output channels - first half of channels)

11.) ISI FEC-75 (h2seib478 DAC output channels - second half of channels)


From these trends, one can deduce several points about which system was actuating just before the break of the ITMY fibers:
1.) The SUS ITMY M0 and R0 damping filters were CLOSED and damping the top masses during the moments leading to the break.

2.) There was excessive motion seen on ALL SUS ITMY M0/R0 OSEMS and each sensor group of both stages of the BSC-ISI.

3.) The SUS ITMY M0 Watchdogs tripped and cut off the output of the DAC signal from h2susb478.  

4.) The ISI DAC machine (h2seib478) was outputting signals on at least 6 of it's outputs.  The exact corresponding ISI channels are not apparent, but the DAC FEC data shows which specific DAC channel had a signal. This indicates the exact actuators with input signals cannot immediately be determined, but not impossible.   

5.)  The ISI Watchdogs were triggered and turned off the "*_MASTER_SWITCH_*".  However, a residual signal was present on the ISI's DAC outputs after the WD tripped.

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